
Hello! My name is Elie Katzenson and I’m glad you’re here. I put together zines, interviews, image collections, and other projects that touch on a parade of my interests and values. If you want a zine on mixed race heritage and the history of native slavery in new mexico, I’ve got mona // changa for you. Perspectives on abortion and elective miscarriage experiences? Take a look at i’m not ready. Maybe you want a book of prayers or a guide to piecing together your own zine. It’s all here for you.

I relocated to Amsterdam in July 2021 after ten years in California, and put together an accordion-style zine called 1830 Walnut to honor where I spent the bulk of that time- Berkeley and the greater East Bay.

“from where i’m standing this has all the marks of a category-A, 100% platinum-standard fuck-up”
– Tracy Pritchard, W1A